Friday, March 4, 2022

The Misanthropic Boomer

Open Letter to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

Misanthropic Boomer
Misanthropic Boomer

Moscow, Russia

The Kremlin


Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin,

President Putin:

As you are by now aware the entire world is more than just a bit upset by your actions toward the Ukrainian nation over the last seven days, as well they should be. Your only allies in your despicable undertaking are China, Eritrea, North Korea, and Belarus; none of whom are known for their benevolent position toward their own people, or anyone else for that matter.

I am aware that you have long desired to restore your nation to the glory days of the Soviet Union. First, let me state unequivocally that there is nothing glorious about a nation who feels the need to extend its’ reach by usurping the sovereignty of its’ neighbors: that is merely the action of a common bully…a thug. Additionally, a desire to restore the Soviet Union seems to be a waste of time and energy since everything about the Soviet Union was a lie.

I will grant you that the October Revolution took place for the right reasons. Most of the revolutionaries were sincere in their desire to replace the failed Imperial system with one that represented and fulfilled the needs of a long oppressed people. However, there were among the revolutionaries, those who felt the need to take advantage of their newly acquired power, and almost immediately took draconian measures to secure their positions. They would brook no dissenting opinions. The assassination of Leon Trotsky was, if not the first, certainly the most significant of many deaths “required” to establish command and control of the newly formed government and thereby setting a course that was closer to the rule of the recently murdered czar than the wished for socialist paradise

Mother Russia, soon to become Soviet Russia on its’ way to becoming the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics quickly forgot the abusive result of nearly eleven hundred years of Imperial rule. Also forgotten, or if remembered, certainly ignored, were the several hundred years of abuse by the Tatars, who continually laid waste to every village and town as they were developed and populated, thus preventing Russia from attaining the growth required to develop as a nation. Yet knowing that, and the demoralizing effect those devastating raids had on the people never prevented your nation from doing the same thing to its’ neighbors…a national tradition you continue to this day

Let’s be very honest, the promise of the revolution was never fulfilled. Russia has never embraced Communism. In all fairness there have been no successful Marxist states. That is perhaps because Marx envisioned his philosophy being brought to fruition not in an agrarian society such as Russia, but in an industrialized nation such as Great Britain or the United States.

A nation like Russia whose economy is so completely based upon agriculture cannot easily develop the economic backbone required to create the equal distribution of wealth needed to support the “greatest good for the greatest number.” The result was that shrewd players like Lenin, Stalin, et al, each in his turn manipulated the system through the use of fear…just the same as their predecessors, the Czars. Your nation is one of open dictatorship operating under the aegis of Communism. You, again just like your predecessors, could care less about the nation and its’ people.

So, we have come to the point of my diatribe, why did you attack the sovereign nation of Ukraine? No need for you to answer. The question is strictly rhetorical. Everyone knows you would like to be the one that begins Russia on the road to reacquiring the the satellites lost when the Berlin Wall came down. Consider this, none of those nations were yours prior to the revolution…since they weren’t yours initially, you had no right to them when you invaded them…you still have no legal or moral justification to support your actions.

The Russian people deserve better than you;  just as they have always deserved better than your power hungry predecessors gave them. The Russian people never deserved Stalin’s Black Mariahs and the death quotas that accompanied them. The Russian Jews never deserved the treatment they received at the hands of Stalin and his bullies.

The Russian people fought valiantly against Hitler’s war machine when his army attempted to do to Russia what your are engaged in doing to the Ukraine. The people’s reward for their sacrifice, their bravery, was more of Stalin’s oppression. And, you, like Crazy Josef, are treating your loyal constituency with contempt and cruelty.

It is obvious from both your past and current actions that you are a megalomaniacal sociopath. Your continued preening and posturing point to your own feelings of inadequacy, and the need to  continually demonstrate your power, your virility, to the world. Showing pictures of yourself riding, bare-chested, killing big game, and defeating younger, larger men with your Judo impresses no one. Perhaps your realization of that fact has driven you to threaten the world with Russia’s nuclear arsenal: an action only a small, weak completely inadequate person would consider.

It is obvious that you desire to be remembered as the one who restored Russia’s greatness: the man who brought the West to its’ knees. That will most certainly not be your legacy. You will forever be remembered as a cruel and mendacious dictator who cared nothing for his people, and even less for the rest of the world.

The only hope you have for salvaging your reputation is to withdraw from the Ukraine immediately and to apologize to President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people. You can blame the whole thing on your Intelligence machine. Say that they gave you seriously bad information: execute a few top Intelligence officers (that shouldn’t be a problem for you as you have sanctioned the deaths of innocent people in the past).

So, there you have it. The entire world is wise to you machinations, which is why they have united in opposition. The only way you can save face now is to throw some of your colleagues under the bus as was suggested. You must have non-elected bureaucrats against whom you hold a grudge and would like to get rid of. Blame them for the poor intelligence that caused you to initiate the incursion. Have them executed. Apologize to Zelenskyy and the rest of the world and withdraw your troops. It’s either that or destroy yourself and your nation.


Vance Daddi   

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