Saturday, October 29, 2022

The Misanthropic Boomer

The End…or a New Beginning

Misanthropic Boomer
Misanthropic Boomer

In ten days the fate of our Grand Experiment in governance will be decided. It is, in historical fact, an idea initially put forth some eight hundred seven years ago on the fields of Runnymede in Great Britain where King John issued the proclamation known as the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta is the antecedent to every democratic constitution drafted and based upon the rule of law. It, in very clear, unambiguous language posits that no one, not even the King himself is above the law.

The Great Charter, its English sobriquet, was written by a group of English Barons as a counter to the tyranny of the crown and to protect the rights of landholders and tradespeople from the abuses suffered under the English feudal system. It was accepted and subsequently issued by King John, June 15, 1215, in order to avoid a civil war. And, has been revised half dozen times over that eight hundred year period.

The reason I am bringing up the Great Charter is that I am hoping that by putting our democracy in its proper historical perspective “We the People,” will fight to save our nation from the very same human failures that forced the drafters of the Magna Carta and its subsequent posterities, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States to face down the tyranny which has again risen and threatens to devour our democracy.

Since the election of Donald John Trump to the Presidency of the United States there has been an ever widening chasm dividing believers in our democratic form of governance so carefully built upon that original foundation provided by the “Great Charter,” and those who would, for personal benefit install an authoritarian, Fascist government. The rule of law upon which our governance relies has been made a mockery by those on the Right seeking power at the expense of the majority of the electorate. They have stolen, lied, cheated, supported violent, murderous insurrection in their selfish attempt at destroying our nation and the democracy: her heart. The egregious acts committed by the likes of Trump, Bannon, McConnell, McCarthy, Stone, Flynn , et al are too legion to detail. But consider their biggest common crime, “The Big Lie;” their denial against overwhelming proof that the 2020 elections were fair and free and consider the absurd fact that the deniers claim the Democrats rigged the Presidential outcome but weren’t clever enough to rig the votes securing the House and Senate.

Sixty times Federal judges and the former Attorney General of the United States have categorically denied that there was any election fraud that contributed to Donal Trump’s sound defeat by the largest margin in United States electoral history. In reality, the only documented voter fraud perpetrated in the 2020 Presidential election was effected by Republicans…both during the vote and after the fact when they tried to use forged documents carried by fake electors to overturn the results of the election.

Consider too that these same people would initiate state processes that would deny the voters their right to choose. Instead they would have state legislatures overturn elections of which they did not approve. These are not the actions of those who believe in freedom or justice.

As you go to the polls to cast your midterm vote ask yourself is this the legacy you would bestow upon your posterity? Does the past eight hundred seven years mean nothing? Are you comfortable having two judicial systems…one for the wealthy and powerful and another for everyone else? Does it seem reasonable that if you ignore a subpoena you will spend two years in prison, while Steve Bannon receives only four months., and is allowed to walk free while he appeals his conviction and openly mocks the system from which he has benefitted more than the average American citizen?

I ask that you seriously consider that these same people do not respect the rule of law. Donald Trump has violated a number of laws and Constitutional provisions for which most of us would be immediately prosecuted yet he continues to be free of any justice. America’s voters must decide who will win the House and/or the Senate: will this be the end…or, a new beginning. We will sl know by November 9th.

The Prosperity of a Lie

Misanthropic Boomer If you are caught telling a lie to the FBI you can go to prison. However, you may not only lie to the American peop...