Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Misanthropic Boomer


Misanthropic Boomer
Misanthropic Boomer

Set the barrier as low as one can and Trump will still manage to crawl under it. I wouldn’t begin to call the spectacle Trump put on Tuesday evening a State of the Union Address. Trump stood in the People’s House and told lies, embellished what few truths he told, and stooped to making threats against the opposition. And, I wouldn’t call his cohorts in Congress, Legislators. The Republicans in attendance applauded and stood for the Orange Buffoon like so many Pavlovian dogs, while having done nothing of note for the two long years of His Majesty’s Presidency.

As the title of this pieces indicates, Trump never disappoints. He is a vain, egotistical, narcissistic, misogynistic, self serving blowhard who began the evening by stepping all over tradition and insulting Speaker of the House Pelosi when he ignored her at the podium, and just began to bloviate without introduction, or the accustomed acknowledgement of a new Speaker. When he did deign to acknowledge Speaker Pelosi it was with a condescending smirk and remark about how the past must be put aside in favor of cooperation and compromise if anything is to get accomplished as we move ahead (a theme he would regurgitate in the form of jingoism later in the speech). What Trump failed to notice was the way the Speaker applauded with arms outstretched and hands turned horizontal, along with a slight smirk of her own that said, “say what you will little boy, your spanking still awaits.” It was like watching a Mother dealing with a recalcitrant child in public…we all know what awaits said child at home.

Trump then launched into bragging about his economic successes for the nation, completely ignoring the facts that the nation already had eight years of tremendous growth thanks to President Barak Obama, prior to Trump’s ascendancy: taking full credit for something with which he had little to do. Since this was the economic portion of the Address he then touted his tax cuts (they were really Mitch McConnell’s tax cuts). Again he moved into mendacious territory as much as his tax cuts were supposedly to help the middle-class, but did little for them while making the wealthy richer, and providing huge sums of revenue for corporate America, both through the outrageous tax cuts for corporations, and the allowed repatriation of taxes owed but unpaid and stashed offshore by these same corporations: money he promised would help the American worker through wage increases but instead went for corporate dividends and stock buybacks, greatly enhancing their bottom lines. He was also pleased to brag about eliminating the estate tax; a tax that really only significantly effects the wealthy (people like Donald Trump and Family). He has apparently forgotten that he promised that the changes in the tax code would not help the wealthy, and especially not him.

The next portion of the speech was probably the truest part of the evening’s entertainment. Trump bragged about slashing Government regulations…in this he did not lie. His lackeys have all but destroyed Senator Warren’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, along with jeopardizing the environment by allowing coastal oil drilling, and the opening of the protected Arctic Wildlife Refuge to drilling as well. While the media have been distracted by his potential illicit ties to Moscow, he and his merry band of maniacs have been suborning environmental laws, public school requirements and banking regulations. 

Having gotten warmed up, he next bragged how under his aegis the United States is now the world’s largest energy exporter. Here again Trump avoided the truth; we have been the world’s largest energy producer and exporter for the last seven years…President Obama even mentioned this fact in a speech which he gave in 2015; before Trump was even a Presidential candidate. Trump then regaled the audience with his success as the commander in chief who rebuilt the U.S. Military to be the strongest military on the planet. This is not necessarily something to brag about, especially since he took away the rights of transgender military personnel. In addition he lied to the rank and file Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines when he told them he fought the hard fight and won them a ten percent pay increase (the truth here is that he:  1) had nothing to do with getting them an increase, and, 2) it was only three percent, not ten as he told them.

He also gave himself a great big pat on the back for his negotiations with the North Koreans and his new friend Kim Jong Un: who has played Trump like a Stradivarius violin. Trump got nothing from their first meeting where he signed an agreement with Kim, while Kim became a major player on the World’s Stage; something his family has been shooting for since the fighting stopped in July of 1953. And additionally Vladimir Putin convinced his good friend Donald J. Trump to forgo the military maneuvers held in the region every year with South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Trumps actually claimed that were it not for his Presidency the world would have witnessed a nuclear war between the U.S. and North Korea; apparently forgetting the exchange of threats between Kim and himself prior to the meeting where Kim made a fool of him.

Then came the fun part of the evening, Trump told the Congress in no uncertain terms that he would allow none of the People’s business to get done as long as there was what he termed a partisan investigation. He made it very clear with his jingoism that there would be “no peace and legislation while there is war and investigation.” He apparently has no use for Madisonian Democracy: no checks and balances needed. The truly galling aspect to that blatant additional misuse of the perceived powers of the President is that the Republican side of the House and Senate stood and applauded these remarks; all the while knowing that now that Nancy Pelosi is Speaker and the House is controlled by Democrats he will not get a pass as he did for the two years Speaker Paul “no backbone” Ryan and Devon “Gollum” Nunez ran the show for the Republicans.
Following a few remarks about the successes of minorities and women in the workplace and implying that he had something to do with it, he moved on to red meat  for his base. It was definitely time for his favorite subject…immigration. He stood in the Well of the Peoples House and described an Orwellian scene where hordes of filthy, undesirable immigrants with the help of the Mexican government were prepared to storm the borders and destroy his beloved nation. Nothing, as everyone knows is further from the truth. He then touted the only solution he pretends to believe is viable…THE WALL. He told America how a wall was the salvation of El Paso, Texas. He said that El Paso was one of the most dangerous cities in the United States until the wall went up between Mexico and El Paso. It turns out that this is big news to the residents of El Paso, whose city has been considered as one of the safest since around the year 2000. The only time the city of El Paso’s crime rate went up significantly since then was following the installation of a barrier in 2006/2007. The Border Patrol Chief in the El Paso area said that border fencing helps, but not a barrier wall. He points to the ultimate failure of the Berlin Wall as an example.

Trump then went on to say that his border wall will prevent drug smuggling (a lie since ninety percent of illegal drugs come in to the U.S. through legal Ports of Entry), hospital closings (no one knows where that one came from), human trafficking, and the import of MS13 gang members (does he even know or care that MS13 was a Los Angeles based gang that incorporated, so to speak, and went worldwide?).

All in all Trump’s supposed State of the Union Address was merely more of the same pernicious mendacity that got him a base in the first place. This was just another stump speech. The only reason he wanted to give the speech before Congress was so he could publicly threaten the Legislators. Once again it shows how little Trump knows about his own nation. We don’t succumb to threats. And, although he has managed to do a great deal of harm, I am now firmly convinced that These United States will survive both Trump and Putin. As Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor would reportedly write in his diary, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” These are words that Donald J. Trump, Vladimir Putin, and any other despots who have the misguided notion that we are about to fall had better take to heart.

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The Prosperity of a Lie

Misanthropic Boomer If you are caught telling a lie to the FBI you can go to prison. However, you may not only lie to the American peop...