Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Misanthropic Boomer


Misanthropic Boomer
Misanthropic Boomer
When I began college in 1964 a new, recently published anti-Communism tome was being highly touted by the John Birch Society, a national anti-Communist organization mostly popular on college campuses across the country. The Birchers, as they were called, were convinced that the domino effect was real and that without U.S. intervention Southeast Asia would fall, followed by the rest of Asia; nations falling like dominoes.
The title of the book, written by John A. Stormer, was taken from a couplet by Sir John Harrington 1561 - 1612: “Treason doth never prosper, what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” I do not believe there is a more accurate statement of Donald Trump’s rationale for his traitorous actions than Harrington’s couplet.
It is patently obvious by now that Donald Trump, President of these United States, is a willing rather than a coerced participant with Vladimir Putin in the attempted destruction of our nation: the relegating of the United States to a position of puppet to the Russian Federation. First, consider that at the press conference of July 16, 2018, following the so-called summit meeting between Putin and Trump, when asked point blank about whether the Russian interference with the 2016 election was discussed, as Trump was deflecting, Putin’s body language including the smirk and subsequent chuckle spoke much more eloquently than did Trump’s answer. It was obvious that Putin was projecting the willingness of Trump to go along with everything that Putin was and is planning.
Why am I convinced that Trump is a willing partner of Vladimir Putin’s plan to create a single, Russian, super power with enough strength to dominate the rest of the nations of the world? Consider the fact that both Putin and Trump have denied from the very beginning of this fiasco ever having had any personal knowledge or contact with one another until Trump’s election to the highest office in the land. And then, consider that Trump’s first known business contact with the then Soviet Union was in1987 when he began discussions with Soviet businessmen and government officials about developing a deal with the Russians to construct a Trump Tower in Moscow. The meetings to discuss these plans were arranged by Soviet Ambassador Yuri Dubinin. Dubinin arranged for an all expenses paid trip to Leningrad and Moscow for Trump to meet with Soviet officials, and oligarchs. Although it was Gorbachev who was the Soviet leader at the time, Putin as a high ranking official in the Soviet intelligence apparatus would certainly have been aware of, and most likely very interested in said meetings.
It was shortly after this first incursion into the world of Soviet business and politics (really one in the same) that Trump first made known his interest in the U.S. Presidency. He traveled to New Hampshire at the invitation of Mike Dunbar, a Republican operative. While in New Hampshire Trump purchased full page ads in the New York Times, The Washington Post and the Boston Globe, at a cost of nearly one hundred thousand dollars. These ads decried America’s foreign policy and criticized the policy of “…paying to defend countries that can afford to defend themselves:” a theme he has continued during his Presidency (most recently at the NATO meetings preceding his ‘Summit’ with Putin). Interesting that this position began after his first meetings with Soviet officials, facilitated by a high ranking Soviet Ambassador. This then began Trump’s serious involvement with the Soviet Union and then the Russian Federation.
Between 1987 and 1999 two things stand out about “businessman” Donald Trump; his financial dealings began to fall on hard times: four bankruptcies between 1990 and 1992, and posted losses of nearly $650 million for Trump casinos. How does anyone lose money owning a casino? This period also began his increased interest in doing business with Russia. Then too, it was also during this period that Trump began his serious investigations into a Presidential run. An interesting sidelight to all of this is that in 2000 Michael Caputo, who ran Trump’s 2016 New York primary campaign, began work as an image consultant for Vladimir Putin.
Trump’s interest in and dealings with Russia continued throughout the new Millennium with licensing, real estate, gambling deals and of course the Miss Universe Pageant. And, as his dealings with Moscow increased so did his desire to make a Presidential run. In this he gradually assembled aides whom he had known and been involved with for decades, including Roger Stone and Paul Manafort; both of whom had had significant business dealings with Russia going back to the Soviet era.
By 2013 Trump was openly critical of President Obama, and very openly praiseworthy of Russia’s Vladimir Putin. In November of 2013 following a supposedly aborted meeting with Putin (we don’t know for sure whether or not the meeting took place) Trump said of Putin in an interview, “I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he’s very interested in what we’re doing here today. He’s probably very interested in what you and I are saying today and I’m sure he’s going to be seeing it in some form. But I do have a relationship with him and I think it’s very interesting to see what’s happened. I mean, look, he’s done a very brilliant job in terms of what he represents and who he’s representing. If you look at what he’s done with Syria, if you look at so many of the different things, he has really eaten our president’s lunch, let’s not kid ourselves.”
As the 2016 Presidential campaign moved into full swing Trump, who had always prior to this talked seemingly very openly about his Russian relationships, began to become very cagey; covert one might say. And this leads us up to his election to President and his embracing of Russia and Vladimir Putin: Trump’s new, old best friend. Everything Donald J. Trump has done since being elected President seems to benefit Russia and himself, in one way or another, from his failing to implement Congressionally approved sanctions for Russia’s interference in the elections to this latest meeting with Putin wherein he has apparently in secret committed U.S. troops to Russia for the Syrian conflict. Additionally he has carried water for Putin in his war with NATO, a burr under Putin’s skin. We are now very aware that Trump is on Putin’s side in everything on the Dictator’s agenda. The only question left to answer is whether blackmail controls Trump, or he is a willing agent of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin. I would posit that the former makes little sense in that if was blackmail Putin would have begun to use Trump more effectively and sooner. No, this is as John Harrington put it…when both parties prosper it is treason based although the semantics change the outcome. Donald J. Trump is a willing co-conspirator with no excuse for what he has done…his motivation power and self aggrandizement.
Finally ponder this, at no time since his election to the Presidency has Trump placed the needs of the United States above his own or Vladimir Putin’s.
None may dare call it treason, but I do.

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The Prosperity of a Lie

Misanthropic Boomer If you are caught telling a lie to the FBI you can go to prison. However, you may not only lie to the American peop...